Ovo-Cirque du Soleil






Altice Arena / Access Lab


Ovo – whose name curiously remains in both Portuguese and the Original – tells the story of a rushed race into an ecosystem filled with life and colour, where insects work, eat, crawl, play, fight and are even able to fall in love. All of those can be seen in a gigantic and magnificent energy turmoil, where the contrast between noise and silence is one of the main components that promise to amaze even the most skeptical of viewers.
In this animated universe life flows with all its intensity, until one day a mysterious Ovo appears among the insects. The surprise and curiosity for the iconic object becomes the perfect storyline for a unique tale to be unfold, which besides portraying the cycle of life in its most innate order, deals with the innocent love between a seductive ladybird and the clumsy insect that hatches from the unusual Ovo.

For the first time in Portugal, a circus performance is offered with audio description for blind patrons.

Special thanks to Altice Arena and Access Lab.

In the news

Do espectáculo, às palavras: app de audiodescrição torna eventos mais inclusivos
Link: https://www.publico.pt/2024/01/05/tecnologia/reportagem/espectaculo-palavras-app-audiodescricao-torna-eventos-inclusivos-2075655

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