o menino dos dedos tristes
Inside me lives one of the many boys and girls who would like to read books made just for them. Not everyone can read books printed with colorful letters and pictures. Some need special formats. I am an example of this. I am a MULTIFORMAT BOOK that can be read by blind people (because I exist in Braille and in audiobook format); by Deaf people because I exist in a videobook in Portuguese sign language; and I even exist in pictographic format to be read by those who only understand me if I am simple and explained with little pictures. Today my fingers are happy… because I exist! “The boy with the sad fingers” is one of the many boys and girls who would like to read books made with each of them in mind. This work is nothing more than a call for the creation of books in alternative formats and an example of how a multiformat book can be “opened” to new readers and new readings. Simultaneously playful and didactic, it will touch young and old alike and will serve as a stimulus for more inclusive attitudes and the creation of content accessible to persons with specific needs.
Neves, J. 2012. O Menino dos Dedos Tristes. Lisboa: Alfarroba. (Multiformat book – easy reading, braille, sign language, subtitling, pictographic messaging, …). ISBN:9789898455444.
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